Fostering gender equality – an essential aspect of good urbanism at the #SDGSummit

World leaders in New York yesterday adopted a high-minded new declaration underscoring the need to reenergise the SDGs — the 17 targets aimed at ending world poverty and acting for climate change.

While some SDGs are going backwards the intersection between SDG 5 and SDG 11 is moving forward. This was purposively stated in the session “What if Women Designed the City?’ hosted by UNITAR at the UN Headquarters marking the launch of my book of the same title.

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May East
2023 SDG SUMMIT - Lifting the Spirit of the SDGs

The 2023 SDG Summit, which mark the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda and a new phase of accelerated progress towards the SDGs has started! It is bringing together political and thought leaders from governments, international organisations, private sector, civil society, women and youth and other stakeholders in a series of high-level meetings.

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May East
Everyday a World Environment Day – designing plastic out of our lives

In nature there is no true wastage. Ecosystems operate in cycles — plants grow in soils, animals eat plants, insects and other coprophages consume dung and the recycled nutrients enter the soils. Adopting a true ‘we are nature’ biocentric worldview may inspire us to rejoin this closed loop system, whereby one actor in the system’s waste, is really another’s treasure. Plastic pollution is just one piece of the puzzle. The more our ecosystems thrive, the more we thrive.

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May East
Celebremos os bons tempos juntos e também as adversidades

Esta canção entoada nas comunidades de aprendizado dos anos 2000, se tornou realidade nesta madrugada no leste de Santa Catarina. Foi quando minha filha ‘stuck’ num posto de gasolina da estrada que liga Porto Alegre a Florianópolis (devido a eventos extremos decorrentes das mudanças climáticas) foi 'salva' por um amigo atemporal- Glaico Sell.

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May East
Rewilding 20-minute neighbourhoods

The potential of integrating the concept of rewilding into 20-minute neighbourhoods is immense. From providing food and habitats for wildlife and enhancing green corridors to link together fragments of nature in the neighbourhood, to enabling people to develop stronger connections, recognise nature’s importance and foster a sense of co-evolving mutualism with the natural world.

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May East
Humanity reaching 8 billion – how to unleash virtuous cycles of regeneration in the interest of other species and ecosystems? Lessons from India

The United Nations estimated that the world’s population will reach 8 billion next week and India will replace China as the world’s most populous nation next year. As it assumes the mantle of the world’s most populous nation, what can India teach us about how to stimulate an evolving virtuous cycle between human and other living systems?

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May East
Gender Responsive Budgets – How they Work in Practice #CSW66

There is a budget revolution taking place in Europe with cities adopting gender sensitive budgets. Known as Budget-Genré in France and Presupuesto con Enfoque de Género (PEG) in Spain, gender responsive budgets adopt gender equality principles as a framework for making decisions in all phases of the budget cycle.

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May East