Women’s role in political glocal leadership is growing


The nature of policy is change. Change from whose point of view? The picture around the world is one of increasing participation of women in setting the policy agenda. In the European Parliament, the percentage of women members has increased from 16.6 per cent in 1979 to 36.1 per cent in 2019. Worldwide, the percentage of women in national parliaments has more than doubled since 1995.

The French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir claimed that it is women themselves who are best suited to elucidate the position of women in society. And, this is happening. We see an emerging trend where women are repositioning themselves at the heart of sustainability policy and gaining spatial confidence.

My latest article The Scotsman referring to Jeanne Barseghian mayor of Strasbourg and the collective candidature of Erian Ozorio Silva Carine Lacerda Yara Alencar & others during the forthcoming municipal elections in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

May East