(Un)learn, Exchange and Connect #EDBWeeK21 by BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders


It is with great anticipation that the global BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network and BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt have joined efforts to curate the Equity, Diversity, and Belonging Week #EDB Week21 taking place virtually over a five-day period from June 28 to July 2.

“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting.”
Andy Warhol

From masterclasses to workshops to brave spaces – and a range of expertise levels – from beginner to intermediate to advanced –, participants will be offered opportunities to (un)learn, exchange, and connect while reflecting about equity and diversity issues as context-specific developmental processes.

“There comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness . . . that time is now.” 
― Wangari Maathai

Edge Work in the Context of Equality, Diversity, and Belonging

I am thrilled to host a session at the #EDBWeek21 on Edge Work- maximising the edges of equity, diversity and belonging.

In ecological systems, the transition or edge between two or more distinct biological communities is known as ecotone- a place of greater diversity, rich in species where ecologies are in tension. Thus, ecological designers tend to maximise the richness of the edge effect for greater diversity and productivity in the system.

“All living systems are in a continuous state of transition, either evolving or devolving.”

Pamela Mang

Inspired by nature, in society we also can create a more significant edge effect between different social groupings with diverse worldviews, power structures, intentions and belongings.  This is called edge work- or learning how to navigate and thrive in transition zones between values systems, mindsets and paradigms while unleashing the potential of equity, diversity for deepening the experience of belonging.

This reflective session will explore key attitudes for those who are currently maximising the edges of equity, diversity and belonging in their personal lives, organisations and society.

More on edge work here

All living systems are in a continuous state of transition, either evolving or devolving.

All living systems are in a continuous state of transition, either evolving or devolving.


About the BMW Foundation Equity, Diversity, and Belonging Week 2021

The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt promotes Responsible Leadership and inspires leaders worldwide to work towards a more peaceful, just, and sustainable future in line with the Agenda 2030.

With less than a decade to achieve the SDGs, we must acknowledge that inequality and discrimination are at the root of many global challenges. We can only push for more equity and diversity and foster a sense of belonging if we commit to listen, open up, and ultimately change.

While recognising the need for systems and institutional change, this process must start with ourselves. Based on the understanding that Responsible Leadership is a transformative journey to achieve a better future for all, the BMW Foundation has committed to becoming a more inclusive organisation and has launched an internal reflection process. For this process to bear fruit, we need to recognise the complexity and intersectionality of equity and diversity topics and dig deeper to identify our own biases and prejudices.

We also want to open up a global conversation about social injustices and their implications, learn together, and put structural change at the heart of achieving the SDGs.

The #EDBWeek21 is part of this process!

Members of the UK Responsible Leaders Network

Members of the UK Responsible Leaders Network

About the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt

The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt is an independent foundation whose activities contribute to the corporate responsibility and sustainability strategy of the BMW Group. The Foundation promotes Responsible Leadership and inspires leaders worldwide to work towards a peaceful, just, and sustainable future. Through its leadership programs, it inspires leaders across communities, cultures, and countries and connects them through its Responsible Leaders Network, a global community that drives positive change. It uses and promotes impact investing and venture philanthropy as effective tools for social change. Through these activities, the BMW Foundation aims to advance and contribute to the implementations of the Sustainable Development Goals.

To book your place in one or more sessions register here until 27 June 21.

May East